Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wisdom for Dummies (Prov 3)

This chapter overflows with wisdom so it is difficult to choose just one thought. But this one jumps out at me again. It is one I learned by heart as a child and talking of heart it says,
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight! or as I learned it from the King James,
lean not on your own understanding.
Trust is something that is lacking. We are scared to trust because it makes us vulnerable. Too many people will take advantage of our trust but we can't live without it otherwise our lives would be miserable.

With the economy being what it is we certainly have lost a lot of trust in the stock market. Up, down, up down! It makes me dizzy just looking at the graphs. Trust has been replaced by fear for the most part. Everyone is skittish.

BUT fortunately we can say, "Yay God" because we know that we can trust God. My prayer is that today I will do that with my whole heart. I want to trust totally in God's wisdom today and rely totally on him and not jump into any decisions without relying totally on God. I challenge you to trust God today.

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